Written & Posted by: Bashdar H. Jalal
Family is the most important and valuable part in Korean life, in which father is the head of each family, who is responsible to provide shelter, clothe and daily bread for his members in the frame of family based on the Confucian tradition. Each man should take the above-said responsibility to approve his marriage process and bless his family. In addition to, the eldest brother has a particular responsibility in the family such as keeping eye on his youngest brothers and sisters in their everyday life, and then he is responsible to his family, such as his sons, wife as well as daughters. However, father has another duty in which protecting the financial welfares and provide a bright future for his family. There are five basic factors to build relationship in Korean society, for example ruler and subject, husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters as well as friends and friends. On the other hand, Korean culture is established based on the Confucianism in which rooted in Korea and other eastern Asian states. So, its complex principles have a great impact on each Korean individual in his/her everyday life.
Korean family was great in the previous time, in which each family was consisted into more than eight members, and they lived under same shelter. However, most of the families lived in the villages and countryside and took their ancestors name in their hometown, but the Korean family becomes smaller in which contains into four members, because of the industrial wave that has impacts on every aspects of life. Despite the industrial issues have pushed most of the Korean families to the giant provinces such as the capital of Seoul and Pusan, but the Korean families still insist to protect their basic principles in the Korean society. The most meaningful evidence for this issue is Korean Chusok and the New Year Day that the Korean people gather around one table to renew their ancestor’s ancient tradition.
Finally, Korean society still remains in touch with their traditional and moral aspects which are received from ancestors, and also they try hard to protect their basic principles by teaching the new generations. However, the Korean families struggle to remain in peace and comfortable in the frame of marriage lock as well as with others, including foreigners.
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